Resource: Sports Performance and Menstrual Cycle Fact Sheet


You can view or download a copy of the fact sheet here: sports-performance-and-menstrual-cycle-poster-2024.pdf (


Did you know...

  • A regular menstrual cycle is a great indicator of good health.
  • Girls should start their period by the age of 16. The average age for starting (UK) is 12.
  • Tracking your menstrual cycle is really useful to help know what’s normal for you.
  • There are many benefits from tracking to understand cycle length and associated symptoms you may experience.
  • 67% of sportscotland institute of sport female athletes track their cycle.
  • Some athletes produce their best results when on their period.
  • There are many apps available to help you track your cycle. Alternatively, you can simply use a pen and paper.
  • Reflecting on current UK research, we are working to reframe common misconceptions and raise awareness of female athlete health in the sporting system.
  • Everyone’s cycle is different; cycle lengths can vary from 23 to 35 days. It’s important to track your cycle to understand it better.

Find out more about tracking your cycle and some of the apps available on our website

We understand that talking about your menstrual cycle can feel uncomfortable or embarrassing for a lot of females. However, it is important to try and destigmatise and discuss. Here are some reasons why:

  • Speak to someone you feel comfortable talking to about your menstrual cycle. All sportscotland
    institute of sport staff are here to support you and are comfortable having the conversation.
  • Your menstrual cycle is a significant indicator of good health. Help your coach and support staff
    better understand your cycle to optimise both your health and your training.
  • Appropriate individualised planning and structure are critical to us helping you achieve success.
    The menstrual cycle should be considered a key performance factor to discuss.
  • Talking about female physiology, and how it affects training, may be the missing piece to
    possible breakthrough performances for some female athletes.

Do you want to learn more?

You can find out more about female health with our online resources.
Speak with your supervising Physical Preparation Coach or your Sport-Specific Female Athlete Health Representative. You can also reach out directly to the Female Athlete Health team at sportscotland institute of sport via email: 
If you’re not supported by sportscotland institute of sport and feel you need help and advice, please contact your GP.